SKU: 2326715110

DEL Roll Sunny Solar Roller for Solar Covers – Suitable for Pools up to 6 Metre Wide x 13 Metre Long

A solar powered telescopic roller for new and existing pools up to 6 m x 13 m including step units. Only for use with solar covers fitted with a leading edge and towing kit.
Free power for the RollSunny is produced using the latest photovoltaic solar cell technology. The energy produced by the cell is stored in a highly efficient, maintenance-free dry cell battery. It will operate the roller as many as 15 times before needing a complete recharge, although charging happens throughout the day as photovoltaic cells are able to collect solar energy even during cloudy weather. The RollSunny uses an aluminium roller tube to carry a bubble cover, supported on special end stands made of impact resistant PVC and aluminium. To make sure it does its job right, an automatic switch ensures the cover is accurately rolled on and off the pool every time.

Additional information


22 Kilograms


3.2 Meters


0.23 Meters


0.15 Meters


0.11 CubicMeters

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